Louisiana State Director Report
By: Arthur Dupre, Louisiana State Director
Over the past few days, we have been bombarded with images of devastation and destruction in our neighboring state of Texas. The scenes of floodwaters consuming towns and engulfing neighborhoods are all too familiar to the people of south Louisiana and the Gulf Coast. They summon the gut-wrenching emotions of desperation, confusion, and hopelessness we’ve experienced after Katrina, Rita, and the recent flooding in Baton Rouge.
But it is during these times that we’ve also seen the very best in humanity. It is during these trials that we find the everyday citizen, through a simple act of courage and kindness, become a hero to someone in need. Whether it be the Cajun Navy offering a rescuing hand or the shelter volunteer offering a pillow and a kind word, these stories of heroism, unity, and compassion epitomize our spirit, and these attributes are the bedrock of who we are as Louisianans.
Over the past three years of serving families in Louisiana, ACE Scholarships has seen the best in humanity. It has seen the single mother working three jobs to try to provide a better life for her kids. It has witnessed the young man become the first in his family to graduate high school and proudly press forward to pursue a college degree. It has marveled at the generosity and genuine empathy of its supporters and has observed CEOs like Steve Stumpf and school teachers and administrators like Nancy Zito become heroes to children and their families. The indelible imprints Steve, Nancy, and so many others are leaving on the lives of so many young men and women are immeasurable.
The greatest gift we can offer as a people is the gift of hope in the face of adversity. At ACE Scholarships, we exist to provide much more than a tuition scholarship to kids in poverty. Through the incredible support of our donors and community partners, we are empowering children with hope. We are equipping them with confidence. We are arming them with the opportunity to pursue their dreams.
At this time of so much need in so many areas, I know we will continue to clutch tightly to our roots and clench the hands of our neighbors in need. ACE Scholarships offers its sincerest sympathy and support to any families that have been affected during Hurricane Harvey and assures, like every good Louisianan, it will never stop fighting for families and for people in need of a hand up.