ACE Sisters | School Choice in Montana

“Thank you for investing in the future!”

ACE sisters Micaiah and Shilah from Helena, Montana, took the stage at the 2022 ACE Scholarships Montana Cocktail Event to share their stories of gratitude for the new opportunities they were given in their education.

Micaiah and Shilah were homeschooled for most of their early education by their mother. “She did an amazing job preparing us for high school. But she was very willing to admit that teaching advanced calculus and Shakespeare was out of her comfort zone,” they said.

In order to reach their full potential, they knew they needed to transition into a high school that would give them the resources to go above and beyond in their education. Micaiah and Shilah knew Helena Christian School would be that place.

Although their father worked hard as both a pastor and a businessman, the tuition was not affordable for their family. That’s where ACE stepped in and made it possible for both sisters to attend Helena Christian School on an ACE Scholarship. This not only allowed the sisters to pick the school of their choice, but it also allowed them to find their passions and dive deeper into their academics.

Shilah stated, “because of the kindness of generous donors like you, we were granted ACE scholarships that helped make it possible for us both to enroll at Helena Christian. The impact it has had on our lives has been incredible.” The young women shared their immense gratitude for the opportunity of school choice and ACE Scholarships, “ACE scholarships changed our lives, our learning environment, and our futures.”

ACE partner school, Helena Christian School, allows Shilah and Micaiah to excel in their learning through rigorous academics and electives. Micaiah said that Helena Christian is shaping them into compassionate and productive citizens that their parents always knew they could be.

The teachers make sure to create a personal connection with their students. Shilah explained, “they have so much interest in us, both as students and human beings, and I feel that their passion as educators and compassion as people really rubbed off on me.”

The “strong expectations and positive peer pressure pushed me to discover what I was capable of. Now I’m on the advanced math track,” Micaiah said.

Shilah explained that she has grown tremendously in her writing skills, her love for reading, and her love for the theater, thanks to her fantastic teachers.

Both sisters agree that the learning environment at Helena Chrisitan is perfect for learning and personal growth. They now have multiple role models to look up to and make proud in the future. Helena Christian sets the standard for the sisters’ future to go on in life and succeed.

When you donate to ACE Scholarships, you are supporting the opportunity of school choice in underserved communities and changing the lives and futures of American students. Shilah stated, “Your gifts can change a kids’ lives just like ours, so thank you for being here and thank you for investing in the future.”

Below you will find the full video of Shilah and Micaiah at the 2022 ACE Scholarships Montana Cocktail Event.
