Grateful Hearts

Every year, ACE Scholarships receives hundreds of emotional letters like Galya’s.
Your gift means something to someone.
As we approach our 20th anniversary year, I am filled with one overwhelming emotion: gratitude—gratitude for the lives the ACE community has been able to impact, for the partnerships we have built, and the bright futures we have helped secure thus far.
From all of us at ACE, thank you. Our hearts are full.
Dear ACE Scholarships,
I wanted to send a thank you note, but I wanted to send more of a letter. I truly genuinely wanted to let you know how grateful I am to allow my son an opportunity for the ACE scholarship. There are times in life that we never really pay attention of how grateful we should be for the blessings we have. This is for me and my son a blessing of a lifetime. I have always wanted a great life for my son. Growing up poverty stricken, my mother had a high school education, my father could not read due to some of the many restrictions in the south. Somehow I managed to attend college and graduate with a degree in marketing. Living in a small town, the job market can be very scarce. I work for a junior college, somehow still below the median income. The one thing I always wanted and thought I planned for my son was to be able to provide the best education possible. Fast-forward through a divorce, living in the school district I can afford. Our schools are poor performing, all ranking “F”. With your help, this scholarship allows my son an opportunity that will affect him for the rest of his life. The ACE scholarship allows my children some of the best education in the city I could not afford otherwise. It is a known fact, children adapt to their environment. Not only are they learning academics, they are also learning more about their religion as well.
I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, not just as a recipient, but as a mother working hard to break barriers and statistics. This allows my son a sure shot at a bright future. So, thank you, thank you, thank you ten times fold.
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