Incredible story of success

Recent ACE graduate Erasmo powerfully relays the impact you are having: “I want to personally thank those who have helped me achieve the dream of a quality education. It is because of your support that I have a story I am proud to share.“
With the help of ACE Scholarships, Erasmo started attending private school in fifth grade. From that point forward, his life changed for the better. His ACE partner schools exposed him to opportunities that challenged him academically, spiritually, socially, and philosophically, and he began to excel. In May 2019, Erasmo graduated high school with honors from Bishop Machebeuf in Denver, Colorado—a feat he explains would otherwise have never been attainable in his life. “High school graduation became possible thanks ACE Scholarships,” says Erasmo. “Your support empowered me to defy the odds—striving to achieve excellence and going beyond the expectations of others.”
Erasmo is heading to the University of Rochester in the fall, equipped with the skills necessary not only to be a successful student in the sciences, but also a well-rounded human being with values and morals for a world desperately in need of courageous leadership. As he reflects on his K-12 education journey, he notes, “I am forever indebted to my parents, for the hard work that they put forth to enable me and my siblings to obtain a quality education. I hope to pay it forward in the near future, on behalf of both my family and ACE Scholarships.”
He’s already demonstrated his leadership potential and dedication to giving back. This past school year, he founded Bishop Machebeuf’s first-ever higher education outreach club called the Students United in Spanish. The group’s mission was to create a social and emotional support network for first-generation Hispanic students and serve as an academic mentorship program—teaching the basics of applying to college and financial aid and providing students opportunities such as college tours. Erasmo served as a role model for underclassmen, sharing his learnings and lifting them up by guiding them through the college application process.
Our students are our future, and with young people like Erasmo at the helm, it’s a hopeful one.
Thank you for making success stories like this possible.
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