So proud, thank you
254 Seniors Nationwide
We are incredibly proud of our 2018-19 ACE Seniors! We had an astounding 254 seniors across our eight states:
ACE Arkansas: 5 ACE Missouri: 3 |
ACE Colorado: 126 ACE Montana: 36 |
ACE Kansas: 5 ACE Texas: 27 |
ACE Louisiana: 51 ACE Wyoming: 1 |
For our ACE team, this is simply one of the most fun and fulfilling times of the year. The stories of success, the letters of gratitude from our scholars, and the pictures of proud parents clutching their children make everything that we do even more worthwhile. These stories and these moments are possible because of you.
Inspiring Story of Success
We invite you to read an essay written by Jase, one of our graduating seniors from Montana and an aspiring welder. It highlights his entrepreneurial spirit and his deep gratitude for the opportunity he had to attend the school that changed his life. Jase represents the thousands of kids full of amazing potential and talent, who simply need access to a quality education.
Whether our scholars attend a four- or two-year institution, pursue other post-secondary certifications, join the military, or immediately enter the workforce, ACE defines its success by developing individuals who are self-sufficient, positive, contributing members of their community–individuals who break the cycle of poverty that has plagued their family and community for generations.
Futures Propelled by You
Many of our seniors are planning to continue their education in college, while some plan to pursue other promising avenues such as trade school or seminary. We celebrate these choices because we know when students actively choose paths that are right for them, success happens.
Our 2019 ACE graduates electing to continue on to college will be attending universities such as:
They’re pursuing a variety of majors, including:
We hope you share in our pride for everything this group of seniors has accomplished and the ways they plan to go on to use their talents on behalf of our communities.
Thank you for everything you are doing to advance our mission; together, we can propel more inspiring kids like Jase!
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