ACE’s Powerful Ripple Effect
Summer is well underway, and in this atmosphere beyond classroom walls, we are reminded of just how far ACE Scholarships’ impact extends.
We have known for years that changing a student’s environment helps them soar academically. Along with that, through early research, we are now seeing the transformative ripple effect an ACE scholarship has on families, our society, and our economy.
ACE families’ habits are changing. They eat dinner together more often, and parents read to their children more often. ACE parents are enrolling in post-secondary classes and showing signs of positive social and economic mobility.
ACE scholars outperform students of all incomes in reading and math and matriculate to college at a rate that far outpaces their peers. They’re leaving school with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in an increasingly competitive world.
As we set out to serve 1,000 more kids per year in Colorado, for a total of 3,000 by 2020, we will be offsetting nearly $2 billion in costs to society associated with those students if they were to drop out.
We are humbled by the compound effect your support has on generations to come.
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